The Best Work at Home Opportunities

The work at home field has an unfortunate reputation, and it is something that I have discussed at length. Why do work at home opportunities have this reputation? Simple. There are plenty of work at home job scams out there, and they're not hard to stumble on if you don't know where you're going.

You really can learn the best way to work at home, or learn how to market your product online, and even how to start a home business online. However, there are some caveats, and you have to be mindful where you step.

Internet marketing is a completely open field, with almost no barriers to entry. An unscrupulous person has just as much ability to market as an honest person does. Internet marketing can be used for almost anything, and once you've learned how to market online, there is no stopping you from using your skills and abilities for the "dark side.

These marketers will formulate the same kind of work at home job scams that promise you $250 within 5 minutes. They get you to sign up and buy a "full system" that is supposed to help you, but they are often nothing more than a system meant to get you to buy ever more products and services! I'm sure you see where I'm going with this. They are making commissions off all this on the back end, and you are basically paying to be put into another marketing funnel.

With all that being said however, I must also admit that I am guilty of pushing the notion that there are so many scams in the work at home field that one is hard-pressed to find anything "legitimate." Frankly I'm just tired of taking that position, and I don't want to contribute to that line of thinking anymore, because I've come to realize how much missed opportunity can occur as a result of these constant warnings.

Suffice it to say for now that the best work at home opportunities are those that you create for yourself.

Are there work at home job scams out there? Yes. But are they so pervasive that they negate the possibility of finding a legitimate work at home opportunity? No, of course not!

But you might not know it from the rhetoric of some who choose to condemn the very field that gives them their livelihood. I think that internet marketers, myself included, have been too quick to jump on the "don't get scammed" bandwagon and to focus too much on making apologies for the actions of others.

So I want to turn this around here, and take time to look once more at the benefits. There is more positive than negative in my view, and I'm just tired of talking about the work at home job scams! Working at home is such a great opportunity for so many people, and I don't want people to miss out because they think it's impossible to find a legitimate work from home business opportunity.

So what is positive about working from home?
Well first, you get to be your own boss! This is an especially poignant benefit for me, because I'm a bit of a contrarian by nature, and I like to have control - over my finances, my time, and my career. Work at home opportunities offer this control.

Second is a natural consequence of that control - financial security and job security. Because it is your own business, you decide how much time and effort to put in, so you determine how much money you make. And since you own your business, you can never be fired or laid off.

The marketing industry will always exist, and there will always be opportunities to make money with it. In addition, work at home opportunities are not affected by regional employment levels, because you are working online. You can work from anywhere!

Third is flexibility. I have a big family, and there is always a birthday party, an anniversary, a graduation or a baby shower to go to. I've had to miss things in the past due to work, but now I attend everything! There is no time-clock. I still have to put in my time working, but I can make it up at night after my son goes to bed, or in the morning when he's at pre-school - whenever is convenient for me!

Fourth is probably the most important to success, because in order to be successful, you need passion. With internet marketing, you get to do what you love! The best work at home opportunities are the ones you imagine for yourself.

You can learn how to start a home business online, and make money online with almost any product or service you choose - music, art, womens health, physical fitness, Nascar or quantum physics! Marketing is a skill that can be applied to any number of interests, so it's the best way to work at home!

I've covered the most important things - control over your own finances and time, job security and time with friends and family. Fifth are all the "bonuses."

• I love being comfortable, and most days I spend the first half it in my pajamas.
• I do not have to commute to and from work every day, so I spend very little on gas.
• Some of my household costs, like internet service, are used mostly for my business and are therefore tax deductible.

I love working at home. I love internet marketing. I love the research and the creative aspects. The work at home field gets a bad rap, but the benefits are real if you are able to find a legitimate work from home business opportunity.

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